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    Skipper is a systemic fungicide, used for control of diseases on field crops, orchards, vegetables and flowers.
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Formulation type: EC
Composition: ‎250 g/L Difenoconazole ‎
Description: Skipper is a systemic triazole product that inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol ‎and is used to control diseases in vegetables, orchards, field crops and flowers.‎


(% volume or ml/dunam)
NotesLast application (days before harvest)
CottonAlternaria macrospora50-30
CarrotAlternaria dauci75Apply  Skipper every second treatment, alternately with products from another group. For late and low infestation ‎infestation levels, spray once a week. For early and high infestation ‎ level, shorten interval and spray up to twice a week. Spray after irrigation.7
PotatoAlternaria solani75-14
GarlicStemphylium botryosum75Spraying against Stemphylium will also reduce Puccinia porri infestation ‎.30
Onion, chivesStemphylium botryosum75-21

Herbs: Parsley, coriander, oregano, mint, dill

Cercospora50Spray every 7-14 day according to infestation ‎ level (herbs iin open field).21
ChickpeasAscochyta rabiei30-50Use high dosage (50 ml) for disease sensitive species and under conditions that are favorable for the development of the disease.7
TomatoFulvia fulva,

Oidiopsis sicula

100Spray every 7-14 day according to infestation ‎ level.7
Alternaria solani50
WatermelonAlternaria cucumerina75-14
BroccoliAlternaria sp.75Spray once a week21
GypsophilaOidium sp.50Spray once a week__
CarnationOidium sp.75-100Species: Stefanie, Red Tony, Royalette, Evelyn, Smarty, Karina, Lior and Barbara. Use low dosage for preventive treatment and low infestation ‎ levels.__
Wax flowerAlternaria alternata,

Oidiopsis sicula

50Ensure optimal coverage of all branches, especially the internal branches.__


Oidium sp.0.02%Spray every 7-14 day according to infestation ‎ level.14
Alternaria alternata (moldy core)Spray 2-3 times during blossoming, beginning at onset of blossoming, and then every 6 days according to blossoming progression
Venturia inaequalis0.01%Spray every 7-14 day according to infestation ‎ level.14
GrapesOidium tuckeri0.015%Spray when tendrils are 10-20 cm long. Carignan (and other sensitive species) – treat when tendrils reach 10 cm.45
Peach, nectarineOidium sp.0.02%Spray twice, every two weeks, to control Oidium on fruit when blossoming ends. During June-August, spray to control Oidium on foliage. Spraying will also reduce Tranzschelia discolor  infestation ‎20
OlivesSpilocaea oleaginea0.06%Spray 2-3 times in November, December and February. Apply after harvest.90


Combinations: Combinations: Skipper may be combined with the following products (subject to the ‎instructions on their labels):‎ Cotton: Titan (EC), Thiodol (EC), Talstar (EC).‎ Carrot: Bravo (SC), Sulphozol (WG), Avaunt (SC), Bifidan (EC), Titan (EC), ‎Shogun (EC), Match (EC), Rimon (EC).‎ Grapes: Talstar (EC), Vertimec (EC), Milor (WP), Avaunt (SC).‎ Tomato: Romectin (EC), Milor (WP), Thiodol (EC), Sulphozol (WG).‎ Onion: Carbolan (EC), Marshal (EC), Deltant (EC), Milor (WP).‎ Garlic: Marshal (EC), Carbolan (EC), Deltant (EC).‎ Potato: Talstar (EC), Thiodol (EC), Milor (WP), Vitene (WG), Daynon (SL), ‎Manzidan (WG), Bravo (SC).‎ Chickpeas: Talstar (EC), Heliodan (EC), Shogun (EC).‎ Watermelon: Romectin (EC), Butrex (SC).‎
_SacanotLasviva: Toxic to fish and aquatic organisms.‎
Manufacturer: Tapazol ltd.
Toxicty degree: IV (Dangerous)‎
Packing: ‎1, 5 liters.‎
UN number: 3082
Registr no. at PPIS: ‎1889/P.P./2007‎
Re-entry: After spray is dry.‎
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