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    Atlas is an insecticide of the synthetic pyrethroid group used to control a variety of ‎pest of various crops. The product acts as a stomach and contact toxicity with a ‎damaging effect on the insect's nervous system. Atlas doesn't have systemic ‎action.‎

    Biomectin is used to control a variety of insects:‎‏ ‏Leaf mining flies (Liriomyza), ‎Thysanoptera, Psylla pyricola,‎‏ ‏and mites. The active ingredient, Abamectin, which is ‎a natural product of soil microorganisms, is uptaken by the plant tissues and moves ‎within them via translaminar motion. The product acts mainly through contact and the ‎digestive tract although its toxicity is relatively low. Abamectin affects the insect's ‎nervous system. Shortly after exposure, the insects become immob

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  • CYTRON ‎

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    Laguna is a white oil used to control orchard insects in their early stages of ‎development, especially the young stages of protected and soft aphids. The oil ‎creates a continuous film that covers the insect and causes suffocation. The product ‎is also used to remove Sooty mold ‎ resulting from the activity of various insects: the ‎oil absorbs the Sooty mold from the leaves‎. Rain that falls after application ‎enhances the removal of the Sooty mold ‎ from the fruit.‎
  • PHOENIX 250‎

    Phoenix ‎ 250 is an insecticide of the thiourea group. The product has contact ‎activity but is also efficacious when ingested.‎ ‎. The product is used in the control of both the Larva and adult stages of Bemisia ‎tabaci, spider mites, Phyllocopturuta oleivora and Polyphagotarsonemus latus.‎
  • PHOENIX 500‎

    Phoenix 500 is a thiourea insecticide that acts has contact activity but is also ‎efficacious when ingested. The product is used mainly in the control of various ‎stages of Bemisia tabaci, effectively eliminating both the larva and adult stages of ‎the fly.‎

    Tropper is a systemic product that acts as a growth regulator of Liriomyza trifolii ‎larvae. The product, which is sprayed on the plants' foliage, is uptaken by the ‎larva, inhibiting the ecdysis process and preventing pupation. The younger the ‎larvae, the higher their sensitivity to the product. Results are seen in the field ‎about one week after spraying. Does not affect adult flies‎

    Shunit is an insect growth regulator designed to control insects in various crops. The ‎product prevents the production of chitin in the insect's body, leading to an ‎interruption in the sloughing process. As a result, larvae die during sloughing or ‎shortly after. The product can also acts as an egg pesticide.‎
  • ‏ ‏PERFECT

    Perfect is effective in the control of insects and mites in Variety of crops. The ‎active ingredient, Emamectin benzoate, is a product of the biological activity of soil ‎microorganisms. The product is absorbed by the plants' tissues, and the residues ‎that are not incorporated into the tissues decompose within several hours. The ‎active ingredient is transported from the plant tissues to the pest, mainly via their ‎digestive system leading to loss of ability to eat and mortality within 2-5 day
Formulation type: EC
Composition: ‎100 g/L Pyriproxyfen‎
Description: Triggon is an insect growth regulator type insecticide that acts like a youth hormone. ‎The product is used to control various stages of Bemisia tabaci, soft aphids and ‎armored scales.‎


CropInsectBest application timeDosageSpray volume, L/dunamPHI

(days before harvest)

CottonBemisia tabaciWhen larvae contamination reaches recommended threshold for treatment*-753-20

Spray from ground level or from the air

Vegetables: Eggplant, melon, cabbage-758-10014
CitrusAonidiella aurantiiUpon hatching and settling of larva0.1-250-400 according to tree size30
Ceroplastes floridensisWhen larva finish settling
Deciduous fruit trees: Pear, peach, nectarine, European and Japanese plums, appleParlatoria oleaeOne application per year upon onset of hatching in spring or after harvest is completed **0.15-150-200Until pupation or after harvest
OlivesAonidiella aurantiiUpon hatching and settling of larva0.1-200-250
Flowers1Bemisia tabaciUpon identification of eggs and larva-7520-100. When spray volume exceeds 100 L/dunam spray at conc. 0.1% 


1)    List of flowers: Chrysanthemum, rose, gerbera, lisianthus, aster, Milkweed, limonioum.

* Cotton, flowers – Triggon eliminates eggs of Bemisia tabaci. larva exposed to the product are eliminated upon pupation. The effect of the product on adult flies is manifested in the laying of infertile eggs. As a result, the decrease in caterpillar population is observed only after approximately 3 weeks.

In cotton – Do not apply more than once per cultivation season.

In flowers and pot plants – Apply max. twice per cultivation season with at least 60 days between applications.

** Deciduous fruit trees – Triggon eliminates young Parlatoria oleae larva. To avoid contamination of fruit with Parlatoria oleae, spray in spring upon onset of hatching. Apply after harvest if harvested fruit is highly contaminated with Parlatoria oleae.

*** In citrus – Triggon eliminates the early stages of Aonidiella aurantii. Spray in spring to prevent development of next generation.

Combinations: Do not combine more than two products – potentially hazardous. When products are ‎combined, add Triggon to the mixture last.‎ Combinations in flowers: Rose – Biomectin EC, Romectin EC, Omer EC.‎
_SacanotLasviva: Very toxic to fish and aquatic organisms.‎
Manufacturer: Tapazol ltd.
Toxicty degree: Hazardous (IV)‎
Packing: ‎1, 5 liters‎
UN number: ‎3082‎
Registr no. at PPIS: ‏1979‏‎/P.P./2009‎
Re-entry: After 12 hours.‎
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